Furutech announces the NCF Booster – Performance enhancing power connector holder / cable holder and dampener
Furutech has announced the release of a new intriguing-looking product, called the "NCF Booster"...
October 28, 2017
Spendor announces major revisions to their A-Line
The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers (A1, A2, A4 and A6R) prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure.
July 28, 2017
Spendor announces major revisions to their Classic Line
Over five decades, SPENDOR Classic loudspeakers have earned iconic status as the reference standard for many audiophiles, musicians and professional sound engineers. Inspired by the enthusiastic world-wide response following the introduction of their flagship SP200; SPENDOR is introducing for 2017 the most significant performance improvements ever across all Classic models...
July 14, 2017
Furutech releases new high-end performance AG-16 Phono Cable range
The AG-16 Phono Cable achieves its remarkably quiet soundstage and transparent presentation with α silver-plated OCC conductor, three‐layer shielding and external ground wire, even a specially engineered cable clamp to improve grip and avoid any potential distortion.
June 14, 2017
Furutech launches new top-of-the-line Neo Damper 105-D NCF wall receptacle outlet cover
The Neo Damper Outlet Cover 105‐D NCF is Furutech’s new top-of-the line dual wall receptacle outlet cover. After a multitude of tests involving the best in damping materials, Furutech brings you its masterpiece. This combination of carbon and NCF and Neo Damper will be the final touch to your complete AC chain.
February 14, 2017